How To Tell If You’re Batman (The Follow Your Bliss Flowchart)
I’m writing this as a service. Not everybody is Batman. Think of what we might have been spared if I had written this over 20 years ago and it might have spared us Clooney thinking he was Batman. Sorry guys. Better late than never.
Not everyone can be Batman. But, everyone can have their life guided by a singular focus; a goal that drives and motivates them. Maybe not to the point that they feel the need to dress up like a bat — but at least to the degree that their life is given meaning.
And who doesn’t want that?
Psychologist Viktor Frankl tells us that a meaningful life, self-actualization, if you will, comes from self-transcendence. Find something, something bigger than you, something outside of you, and dedicate your life to it.
Simple, but not easy. Especially when you’re having trouble finding that thing, outside of you, that you want to devote your life to.
Joseph Campbell called this process finding your bliss. I’ve read a lot of Campbell. I’ve studied bliss and how to find it. I’ve tried to condense that study into a practical, usable guide. A flowchart! It also, in an attempt to save us from the Joel Schumacher films of the future, tells you if you are Batman. So it’s kind of candy AND a breathmint.
There you go. I hope it’s helpful in helping you determine if something is your bliss and helping you determine if you should don a cowl and become a creature of nocturnal vengeance. I’m just here to help.
Also, here’s me talking about it in podcast form: